By Anonymous - 12/07/2009 01:26 - United States
Same thing different taste
By failure - 16/07/2009 16:25 - Canada
Jumping the gun
By kylie b - 06/09/2023 16:00
By Anonymous - 19/01/2023 06:00 - Netherlands
By I'm stupid - 25/11/2012 15:08 - United States - Naperville
By Anonymous - 14/08/2012 15:42 - United States
By DemiRawrs - 01/05/2013 17:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/06/2015 03:16 - Canada - Ajax
By actually just constipated.. and stupid - 04/03/2015 15:03 - Tunisia
By Anonymous - 04/12/2013 22:08 - United States - Marsing
No! Noooo!
By Anonymous - 18/12/2015 01:59 - United States - Pleasanton
Top comments
pregnancy tests can be misread and you can still have period-like bleeding during your pregnancy.
Under aged sex is fine as long as you're smart about it. I have no sympathy for you because you're grounded.I have sympathy for the baby who has to deal with you as a mother. I've seen several of my friends and families lives be ruined because they thought they knew what they were doing. And by the way, take a health class.You can still be pregnant.
There is no such thing as a first-time parent who knows what they are doing It's a learning experience. And having people like you for relatives is the biggest road-block to that learning IMO. Instead of giving the help and support that EVERY new parent needs, regardless of their age or status, you make an already difficult task impossible. Shame on you.
You need to get this confirmed by a doctor. Home pregnancy tests are not completely reliable, and it is still possible to have bleeding while pregnant.
It is funny because got what you deserve! If you had to tell your parents you must be young not to mention the fact that you got grounded. I guess having sex underage wasn't such a good idea was it?! Oh well you made a choice and you have to learn to live with the consequences... goodbye high school bs and welcome to the real world!
Isnt that a good thing?
ye, like people hav said, u could still be pregnant, so u def need to hav tht checked. but then again, u could always get an abortion.
Abortion is murder
No, its really not. It's a choice High School mothers can make to NOT ruin their lives. What if the baby were to be born with no arms or legs and a serious mental health disorder, is abortion still wrong?
yes, it's still pretty wrong. what kind of logic is that? even a person without arms and legs is still a person. either way the mother's life is going to get 'ruined.' however, in the situation where she decides against abortion, she has an opportunity to be proud of a person that she is responsible for.
By the time abortions are performed, the baby-excuse me, "fetus"- already has a heartbeat and probably brain function. What's the difference between putting a bullet in the head of an adult and sucking a growing child out of its mother's womb? Not a damn thing. If you're grown enough to have sex, you're grown enough to have a baby. Even with protection, you know condoms and pills can fail, and if you aren't prepared to deal with that scenario and its results, you shouldn't participate in its cause. Life begins at conception. End if story.
Maybe you got lucky and miscarried. So what if you're grounded for a year, if you actually were pregnant it'd be like being grounded for 18 years!
She is lucky is she had miscarriage?! Have you ever gone threw one? I am guess not to say something a incredibly asinine as that! Weather or not it was intentional the pain you have to live with everyday of your life? Not to mention most hospitals will just send you to plan parenthood to have it taken care of so you have to sit in a room with a bunch of teenage girls that are trying to get rid of there baby when you are there because you lost yours. Think before you speak next time!
She doesn't want the baby... so if she has a miscarriage it's like getting a free abortion. Yes in this situation and at less than a month of pregnancy she would be lucky.
Wow, I can't understand #70s comment at all.
I love the way that everyone is tiptoeing around the A word. Seriously, if you accidentally get pregnant and you can't have/don't want the baby, have an abortion. It's not fun, and it's not pretty, but that's life. Also, all of the "omg sex before marriage is teh evil" whiners - this isn't the Dark Ages anymore. Still, all the more fun for me ;D
Oh, shit yeah. No arguments here.
@ birds - I hope you realize that abortions are a medical procedure and as such carry some risk to the mother. I wouldn't want to push my daughter for an abortion and then have something go wrong. What happens if she comes to you in 10 years and says, "Hey mom, I just found out from my OB that I can't get pregnant now because of that abortion you made me have. Thanks a lot." Your child is not your property, and she IS your responsibility. As such you have no right to force her to undergo a medical procedure that is not necessary, and you have no right to evict her from your home. YOU need to face YOUR responsibilities and set a good example for her. Not be another obstacle she has to overcome.
I think it's funny how everybody is so willing to throw around abortion, but no one has mentioned adoption as of yet. For any parent who doesn't want her child to be a teenage mother, wouldn't that be nearly as good of an option? I'm not saying I'm for or against abortion, all I'm saying is I think it's kind of sad people seem to be forgetting that there are other options.
Well, shes probably like 16 because 20 year olds usually don't get grounded, either your parents are real bittches or YDI Bitch, you might be pregnant
most 16 year olds are in school. yes i know it is the legal age, but your right she should of thought of controlling pregnancy.
Keywords Sorry bleeding may be happening even if you are pregnant.
Ouch, at least you can tell them the test lied?