By Anonymous - 12/07/2009 01:26 - United States

Today, I had to go through the embarrassment and pain of telling my parents I was pregnant. I took the test and it came out positive and I was freaking out. I got grounded for the rest of the year and they're really disappointed in me. Five minutes ago, I got my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 883
You deserved it 29 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

testing_fml 0 Sorry bleeding may be happening even if you are pregnant.


Ouch, at least you can tell them the test lied?


... they grounded her for getting pregnant... are you kidding me? I'm extremely angry right now about that, you have no idea.

FreedomFirst 0

Your parents handled that one WAAAYYYYY wrong, and you probably had a very early miscarriage which is not uncommon. Especially if you're under a lot of stress. I understand them being upset about you having sex (assuming that you're still a minor), but grounding you is like shutting the barn door after the horses are out, which is stupid and pointless. Also, if you were pregnant, the baby has a father who has a right to be involved in your life during the pregnancy IF he's man enough to want to. So your parents need to do some serious soul-searching.

Just because you got your "period" doesn't mean you're not pregnant. I know a couple people who spotted heavily for the first couple months of their pregnancy.

yeah if you're bleeding there's a chance it was implantation bleeding and you're still pregnant. go to the doctor

Miscarriges are very common in the first trimester - most women who have them think its a regular period. Of course it is true you can bleed while pregnant. I'd see a doctor or at least take another test ASAP. Oh and congrats on not being knocked up (hopefully).

I'm just going to go ahead and assume she's still pregnant. What's that? Mm.. some teen moms can make it, y'know. You can use me as an example (: I got pregnant at seventeen. I'm 22 now and actually have two children. What it takes its a lot of ******* growing up and hopefully the babies daddy won't be a ********(like mine, but I have a fiance now who isn't their father.. but ten times better). So unless you know her, I think you should lay the **** off saying she'll **** the baby up. There's also the point where maybe she COULD ruin that kids life, well, abortion and adoption are both just fine in my book.

False positive, that's why your supposed to take at least two. and if your on any kind of birth control it can give you a false positive or neg too. all I can say is LUCKY YOU.

BC does NOT cause false positive! Totally DIFFERENT hormone involved there. Pregnancy tests detect HCG which occurs when ur pregnant. That's all it detects

alwaysalady 0

I took 5 pee tests and they came out 2 negative and three positive. I blood test finally confirmed my pregnancy. You need to go to a doctor. the blood test only takes an hour and costs about $10

netbeui435 3

at least you're not pregnant.

I don't get why everyone is saying that once you're 18, you're automatically ready to have sex, and people who are underage automatically aren't. Everybody is psychologically and physically different. There's no line you can draw where nobody is ready that's behind it and everybody past it is.