By Anonymous - 12/07/2009 01:26 - United States

Today, I had to go through the embarrassment and pain of telling my parents I was pregnant. I took the test and it came out positive and I was freaking out. I got grounded for the rest of the year and they're really disappointed in me. Five minutes ago, I got my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 883
You deserved it 29 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

testing_fml 0 Sorry bleeding may be happening even if you are pregnant.


Ouch, at least you can tell them the test lied?


you can still have bleeding resembling a period during pregnancy. u might not be out of the water yet.

ShenziSixaxis 0

Should tell them. Or retake the pregnancy test, like, maybe, with a doctor and ultra sound? Bleeding happens sometimes during pregnancies, although it could also mean a miscarriage.

ChelseaAnn08 0

Hun, you still may be pregnant. Just because you got your period doesn't mean your not. It could be implantation bleeding, or you may be one of the many women who continue to have a period while pregnant.

fretforyerlatte 0

i hope for your sake you're not actually pregnant, because you sound pretty young and not at all ready to have your entire life as you know it really need to see a doctor, because false positives are extremely rare. pregnancy tests look for a certain hormone that only appears when there is a pregnancy, so it's pretty hard to have it come out positive when you're not. it's POSSIBLE, but not likely. as many have said, you could have miscarried, but you also could just be spotting and still actually be pregnant. see a doctor ASAP and please consider all your options - BOTH of the a-words - before saddling yourself and your parents with a child that clearly nobody is ready for. there are couples out there who can't conceive who would be blessed to have that child and would give it all the things you may not be able to.

Maybe its just me but I think the people who are leaving patronising comments (i.e. #73 "Contraception. Use it.") may need to lean a thing or two about contraception themselves! Short of having your damn uterus removed, contraception is very rarely 100% effective..even if someone is using the pill and condoms there's still a very tiny possibility that they can become pregnant. I'm not saying that the OP in this case was using contraception, but it's really unfair to assume that someone is irrisponsible just because they get pregnant. Also sex before marriage is a personal choice and doesn't in any way make you a bad person or mean that you deserve the trauma of either having an abortion, losing a child, or even having to face up to your parents!! Clearly a lot of un-informed bible bashers frequent FML!

calicokitea 0

It's not always the case that your positive was a miscarriage. You can still be pregnant AND get your period--I knew someone who was pregnant and had hers for four months, and her baby came out healthy. I also found this: If you care to read it, it's got a few reasons why you could have received a false positive. Best thing to do--go to your doctor.

Why dont you just try not being a *****?

nichole_wood 0

hey ive gotten pregnant, does that make me a *****? no, because i've been with the same guy for over 2 years and i've never cheated on him. pregnancy has nothing to do with being a ***** dumbass

GabriLee 0

I feel like a lot of people are saying that she probably did use contraception and it failed, but hey, if I ever had a pregnancy scare and wrote an FML about it, I would definitely include that I always use protection. It makes the FML more upsetting. OP, you had sex, you deal with the consequences. I have no desire even to say "that sucks" because even though it does, it's your own darn fault. man up and quit whining about it. You're probably going to be a mother now (you can be pregnant and still have some bleeding) so you need to learn a bit of responsibility. From here on out, life is about your baby, not about you, so get used to not complaining about everything you do.

emyle11 0

jesus ******* christ, 83, pissed much? She's a stupid kid; stupid kids make mistakes. Regardless of the fact that she had sex and could or could not be pregnant, she doesn't deserve to be judged so harshly by people who don't know her. She may be rather irresponsible for not being more careful, but you're concluding that she is a whiny little bitch who will ruin her child forever because it came out of a teenage uterus. How do you know she isn't a good student and beloved daughter who made a careless mistake? Have a little faith in our youth. Because if everyone else has the same perspective as you did with your comment, I have a feeling no one else will...

@87 Yeah well I work for a company called ChaCha If you could see some of the questions I answer than you would have no faith in the youth also. Also OP it's called self control, use it.

emyle11 0

... Wait. You "allegedly" get pregnant and your parents ground you for the rest of the year? What the **** were you gonna do, give birth in your room? Haha.