By Anonymous - 12/07/2009 01:26 - United States

Today, I had to go through the embarrassment and pain of telling my parents I was pregnant. I took the test and it came out positive and I was freaking out. I got grounded for the rest of the year and they're really disappointed in me. Five minutes ago, I got my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 883
You deserved it 29 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

testing_fml 0 Sorry bleeding may be happening even if you are pregnant.


Ouch, at least you can tell them the test lied?


yellowbee22 0

Poppycock? How old are you? You didn't see a doctor about it, whether that be an Urgent Care or Planned Parenthood to keep it confidential and affordable? Why would you dare tell your parents when you are not 100% positive about it? While I am happy for you that you are not pregnant, thank God! I shudder at the idea of people like you to raise children.

FreedomFirst 0

You're an idiot. I shudder at the idea of someone who thinks only they are qualified to exist on this planet, raising a child. Someone like you. It's not rocket science. It takes a heart, not an education. All the books in the world won't teach you how to actually care for your child.

please see your doctor asap. you can bleed even when pregnant. or you could miscarry, in which case you most definately need to see your doctor. don't delay. marz88 is an idiot. those tests are very reliable. the indication that that you've conceived is in a hormone that can be found in urine.

It sounds like you are having a miscarriage... but if you weren't ready to get pregnant, and you obviously weren't b/c you can still be grounded, then maybe it isn't that bad.

XimaXpirate 0

it's still very common to have a period for up to the first 3 months. :)

vvvalori 0
nichole_wood 0

oh geez. been there :/ bleeding is sometimes normal but not in my case. i had a miscarriage. :[ FYL and FML

so sorry for your loss... Even if it wasn't a planned pregnancy. Miscarrying hurts so much emotionally from what I hear. I have never been pregnant so i cant empathize but i cant sympathize... Sorry OP but you CAN have a miscarriage and there is a high possibility you ARE pregnant.

Your parents suck at parenting. Grounded for being pregnant? They're a bunch of morons, I wish I could tell them

cebaugh 0

maybe this will teach you to practice safe sex....

Lmao grounded for being pregnant? Your parents suck, since you'd have been pretty much be grounded for the next eighteen years of your life =P But yeah. Congrats on not being pregnant.

sweetheart if the test was postive than you are pregnant. false positives are so rare they are almost unheard of. id take another test in a couple weeks.