By Anonymous - 12/07/2009 01:26 - United States
Same thing different taste
By failure - 16/07/2009 16:25 - Canada
Jumping the gun
By kylie b - 06/09/2023 16:00
By Anonymous - 19/01/2023 06:00 - Netherlands
By I'm stupid - 25/11/2012 15:08 - United States - Naperville
By Anonymous - 14/08/2012 15:42 - United States
By DemiRawrs - 01/05/2013 17:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/06/2015 03:16 - Canada - Ajax
By actually just constipated.. and stupid - 04/03/2015 15:03 - Tunisia
By Anonymous - 04/12/2013 22:08 - United States - Marsing
No! Noooo!
By Anonymous - 18/12/2015 01:59 - United States - Pleasanton
Top comments
You're still probably pregnant. The pregnancy horomone does not show up falsely, as well you can still have spotting when you're pregnant.
i woiuld suggest that u go to the doctor as soon as possibe. the only person that can tell u that ur pregnant is a OBGYN
some women get their periods thru the whole first trimester, or in some cases during the entire pregnancy. you should still see a doc
you should have waited til you were 100% sure. there is a possibility of a false positive on home pregnancy tests. you should have gone to the doc first just to be absolutely sure.
It's impossible to have a false positive. The hormone that pregnancy tests detect is only produced by your body when you are pregnant.
yeahhh so either this is fake or the person actually is pregnantttt
#154 No you can't. You can bleed but that's not your period
I agree with 156. Anyway, you are probably still pregnant, just spotting a little bit which is totally normal. You need to go to the ob-gyn asap, they will do a blood test and tell you for sure, usually pregnancy tests don't lie. Good luck, maybe use a condom as well as birth control since neither are 100% effective. Chances are, if you are a teenager you aren't as regular with the BC as you should be, if you miss a day you have to use a condom for the rest of the time because the BC is no longer as effective. I would also recommend abstaining from sex until you are mature and old enough to handle to consequences and can raise a baby. I watch that 16 and Pregnant show sometimes and it's terrible. Even at 18, I don't think people can handle it yet. Anyway, good luck again, if you are pregnant and don't want the baby don't kill it!! Please, please, please. Put it up for adoption.
Do you know how many babies get put up for adoption? And some ridiculous number either go to horrible parents or stay in orphanages until they are 18 and that is no upbringing for a kid. only 10% of kids put up for adoption get a nice home and then the foster parents may have another kid of their own and the foster kid will be shunned because the parents will generally love their child more. So sometimes they just go back to another orphanage. If the girl IS pregnant and doesn't want it then this kid is screwed. But I am on two minds with this matter. I believe abortion at a late stage is murder. But if she catches it early then nobody is hurt. I think if the baby is born into the world with a parent that is too young that is fine as long as they can support it but if they cant, well, the baby is a goner. So basically If you do have a kid, the only thing I would truly recommend is to keep it and love it because that is the best thing for it.
Time to go down to Planned Parenthood and get that happy little pill called the abortion pill!
Keywords Sorry bleeding may be happening even if you are pregnant.
Ouch, at least you can tell them the test lied?