By Anonymous - 12/07/2009 01:26 - United States

Today, I had to go through the embarrassment and pain of telling my parents I was pregnant. I took the test and it came out positive and I was freaking out. I got grounded for the rest of the year and they're really disappointed in me. Five minutes ago, I got my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 881
You deserved it 29 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

testing_fml 0 Sorry bleeding may be happening even if you are pregnant.


Ouch, at least you can tell them the test lied?


lastminuteperm 0

That depends on how old you are. You have to had sex if you were freaking out. Never have sex until your ready or else you will face the consequences. Again, I don't know how old you are, but if you were freaking out that much, then I hope you stop sex for a bit.

well it still might not be your period. you should go to a doctor to be sure. some bleeding still happens during pregnancy. you may not be in the clear yet

It seems your life isn't ****** now... hmm.

littlemisslee 0

Wow. Don't expect mommy and daddy to help you, kid, and especially the baby daddy! little boys that age are only interested in themselves and want norhing to do with adult responsibilities. and I am always down on myself for being 20 and pregnant, but. at least I graduated school already and it was with a guy who is an awesome and responsible father. sounds like you're still in school. good luck with that.

zander09 0

You could still be pregnant. Some women still bleed during it. Unfortunately. Hopefully, you miscarried and can get on with a normal, productive life now.

Actually, you might want to take that test again... Often bleeding can result during the first week or two of pregnancy due to the implantation of the embryo into your uterine lining. Hmph.. I guess my degree did teach me something

If I were you, I would have waited a few months in to tell my parents, just in case something like this happened! (Luckily, I'm older and live on my own now, so don't have to worry so much about pregnancy scares--I'm at a place in my life where I could handle having a baby) @birds--humans evolved in times where 13-14 years olds COULD handle raising a baby. In hunter-gatherer societies, all you needed to be able to do was find a few edible plants, and live in the same hut as the rest of the tribe. (the men would bring back the day's hunt for all to eat, etc) In today's world, you almost need a post-grad degree just to have a comfortable living, and due to the way we've set up our education system, it's getting harder and harder to be financially independant until your mid-20's or so. This is not anyone's fault, it just is. So to punish your daughter (or anyone's daughter) because their bodies are ready for a child but society has made it IMPOSSIBLE for people of reproductive age to be financially independant, is cruel and wrong. Physical evolution has not caught up with the bizzarre and contrived way we live our lives in the western world.

next time don't say anything until the baby bump is getting noticeable...

AnnieLennox1954 0

What the hell is grounding you for a year supposed to do? A ****-up like getting pregnant means grounded for life anyway.

Uh your still probably pregnant, home tests don't give you false positives only false negative and girls can still have some bleeding while pregnant. FML for not knowing anything about your parts and I'm a guy and know more about it then you.