By strangely - 25/07/2015 00:12 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had to imagine myself savagely beating my cat to death, just to stop myself from getting a boner while a girl laid her head in my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 352
You deserved it 6 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

euphoricness 28

I don't think thinking of pussy will help your cause.


Badkarma4u 17

Next time just let the boner happen. Women are not oblivious, they know we have penises. If it get hard what do you think she is going to do. The worst case scenario shes going to just sit up a little embarrassed. Don't sweat it. I wouldn't suggest grinding it on her face, but I would not go one inch out of my way to hide it. If she's putting her head in your lap she's interested.

Next time, OP, you could stop being ashamed and use your words. "Hey, sorry, this position is making me a little "uncomfortable", could you move, please?" Women know reactions happen. If she's interested she'll let you know. Most of the comments above are just disgusting and frankly reducing men to the will of their penis. It's dehumanizing.

alex101676 8

what if she wanted you o get a boner, then blow u.

Seriously. She should have been expecting your boner and more.

Flex any muscle in your body to get rid of an erection.

Why an animal and not Jeffrey Dahmer

well good control on ur part...but she prob wanted u to get one