By strangely - 25/07/2015 00:12 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had to imagine myself savagely beating my cat to death, just to stop myself from getting a boner while a girl laid her head in my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 352
You deserved it 6 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

euphoricness 28

I don't think thinking of pussy will help your cause.


AlphaDoge 6

That......that is f#@king wierd dude....

I find math helps keep boners away. Just avoid 69. That's the only sexy number

I mean, you didn't HAVE to... Poor poor cat.

That's the only thing you could think of to keep from getting a boner? Yikes...the girl might have taken it as a compliment if her head in your lap gave you a stiffy. You're a guy; it happens. Surely she could have understood that. But seriously, there was surely something else you could have thought of...

BigTalker 3

embrace the boner. unless she's your relative or something.

I think we've all been there buddy - although I wish I had thought about animal cruelty instead of food... turns out really tasty food can give you a different kind, but still as convincing boner

I tried to give my ex boyfriend a boner in September by laying on his lap with my head but I failed sadly ???

TallMist 32

Seeing as how you put question marks there, I'm just going to assume you meant to ask a question. So, here's the answer: No.