By Anonymous - 13/02/2012 01:11 - United States

Today, I had to pick my grandma up because she was drunk, at church, at 9am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 400
You deserved it 2 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments


kshafer08 7

Your grandma is my role model!

Drunk in church at 9 AM is not cool no matter how you slice it. Then OP has to go fetch her ancient drunk ass from church. A prize moment in family life.

OP, this event is a prize package. The story works in so many ways. You can tell it to your friends. You can tell this one at school or at work. Its a great happy hour story. You can tell it at church, if you go down that road. I am not sure how your family works, but I would have given anything to have that happen to my Gma. I would have owned her. There has to be a way to work this issue to your advantage. If nothing else, she goes down in flames with the story at every family get together. By extension you can work it on her kids and her brothers and sisters. You gotta share this with your cousins.

Rocky007 15

Go Granny, go Granny go Granny, go.

perdix 29

They should have cut her off after they saw her cutting into the line for wine and wafers over and over again.

Grandma was hitting the Sacramental Wine, huh?

Party, party, party, let's all get wasted.