By S4L - 02/07/2009 04:13 - France

Today, I had to take a leak, so I went into a porta-john. I noticed another man's hand under the door with a cell phone. Angered, I aimed my stream at his hand and phone. He tilted the porta-john over in response. It was full. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 822
You deserved it 23 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lexia_fml 0

I don't understand. Portable stalls? Then how could it tip? If not, how could someone get a hand under the door?

I don't think I've seen a portable stall with an opening in the door like that... That guy probably deserved it for sticking his phone in like that, but you really should have thought ahead...


Wtf was the guy doing sticking his hand under the door with a cell phone? O_O Peeing on his had was gross and I wouldn't condone it, but tipping over a porta-potty while someone is in it shouldn't be punishment for ANYTHING. That's just disgusting beyond words x(. So FYL lol.

I almost think ydi for peeing on him rather than kicking the door open into his face.

Nice reaction tho! Fyl that's ****** gross

lovesucksxxx 0

What the **** is wrong with some people? If someone did either of those things to me, I'd put them in the hospital.

fyourlife33 0

france sucks and that must be a rare port-a-john to have a slit like that as many people have already said.. should have done the kick in the face attack like before mentioned

4bbaf9d3caaa8f84 20

I am so confuse, what is a porta-john and how did the guy tilt the porta-john?

A porta-john is one of those miniature bathrooms that instead of having any running water, dump all human waste into a small bin under the seat itself. And if you ever see one, it's just a tall rectangle with some weights at the bottom. 1 good tackle is all that's needed to tip it and have all the crap pour onto the unlucky person inside. Still, FYL for having a perv record you pee then dump that pee and more back onto you.

iamstupid1243 0

Saaaaay waaaaht? this makes no sense at all!

Kristoffer 35

I was gonna vote YDI but then I thought about it - why was the guy's hand in there in the first place? There's no telling what he was doing, so there's no real way to know if he was already planning to tip the thing over or not. I probably would have yelled at him instead of peeing on him, though.

Stevieebabyy 0
soccergirl37 0

People- the hand was obviously recording the OP going to the bathroom, probably to post online. Some people like that. Yuck.