By S4L - 02/07/2009 04:13 - France

Today, I had to take a leak, so I went into a porta-john. I noticed another man's hand under the door with a cell phone. Angered, I aimed my stream at his hand and phone. He tilted the porta-john over in response. It was full. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 822
You deserved it 23 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lexia_fml 0

I don't understand. Portable stalls? Then how could it tip? If not, how could someone get a hand under the door?

I don't think I've seen a portable stall with an opening in the door like that... That guy probably deserved it for sticking his phone in like that, but you really should have thought ahead...


dcstream 0

There are portable bathrooms with a space beneath them for particularly hot work sites. Sometimes in Florida we used them, and they are the greatest inventions ever for hot construction sites.

I'm thinking the air-holes are for ventilation mostly, no?

I agree with Endy. Shoulda stole his phone of stepped on his hand. And a porta-potty with a space at the bottom? You got some weird pp there mate. . .


Today, I dropped my phone near a porta potty. I went to pick it up, but my hand got stuck in the opening under the door. As I tried to pull it out, some asshole pissed on my hand and my phone. I then tried even harder to pull my hand out, but managed to tip the porta potty in the process. I now have a broken phone and a black eye. FML.

arienh4 0

Near a porta-potty is VERY different than IN one. That's sick aiming skills.

Im sorry your reversal doesnt work Ppl dont drop their phones like that

Bored_2_Death 0

It wasn't a very good joke.

All in all, a very funny moment for someone else to witness.

sounds fun to tip over a portable restroom but both of you deserve it or you should have taken his cell and threw it into the pile =]

Well... U didnt deserve that at all. That guy was an idiot.