By TCRII - 23/07/2014 23:52 - United States - Woodbridge

Today, I had to take a splinter out of my eight year old son's penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 816
You deserved it 5 160

TCRII tells us more.


He has been in summer camp the last couple of weeks. His group did an obstacle course through the woods and they had to get everyone over a 6 foot high wooden wall. Pretty sure he got it from that. No signs of infection.

Top comments

This is going to be a great story for future girlfriends.


At first I was stumped, but then I started thinking maybe he got board.

I just hope that this incident wood be enough to cause him to turn over a new leaf.

skyeyez9 24

Some playground sets are wooden and that is most likely how he got it. Climbing and sliding down a railing or something like that.

Then how did it make it through his pants and underwear?

Dodge4x4Ram 46

puts a new spin to beating wood haha

The story behind that must be fantastic.

Um...What? Splinter in the Penis. Keep this story as when he is 15 acting like a typical Moody Teen you can unleash this upon him in front of his Crush.

0_0 Aren't I 'stumped'! However did he manage that tho?!