By TCRII - 23/07/2014 23:52 - United States - Woodbridge

Today, I had to take a splinter out of my eight year old son's penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 816
You deserved it 5 160

TCRII tells us more.


He has been in summer camp the last couple of weeks. His group did an obstacle course through the woods and they had to get everyone over a 6 foot high wooden wall. Pretty sure he got it from that. No signs of infection.

Top comments

This is going to be a great story for future girlfriends.


BarrackOfObamas 8

I guess you could say he HAD WOOD! Haha! No? Okay...

catanita 18

Give us more details. I have a 3 years old going on 8th. Tell me what to do to prevent it from happening to me too.

He will have good memories if he ever plays splinter cell.

How did it get there in the first place. I hope he's ok.

RowanNightShade 22

Ouch! And it can happen, it's just very unlucky. My babysitter had a wooden playground and I often got splinters through my clothing. He may have bumped into the side of the wood or was just goofing off. That or he could just be exploring what makes him feel good. You never know with kids today.

katina1236 20