By Unknown - 26/10/2008 12:56 - France

Today, I have blue lips because of a guy whose face I don't even remember didn't know the difference between kissing and sucking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 253
You deserved it 26 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inlimbo11 0

who the **** kisses like that? i didn't even know such a problem existed. weird.

i agree with #11. if he sucked so bad, no pun intended, then why didn't you just stop getting your face sucked off?


Never trust someone who doesn't cry when Bambi's mom dies.

First movie I ever saw in the theater. I can still remember the fact that I made it all the way home before I started crying.

Remember their kids and don't have a complete understanding of the concept of death. I wouldn't feel bad, they'll probably remember that moment in 10 years and feel like asses :p :p

Never trust anyone who doesn't cry over Bambi's mom's death.

theoldman 22

At least they are compassionate and try to comfort you rather than mock you. My sister (age 12) and I were watching Hachi. When I started crying, she just made fun of me.

I never cried at Bambi as well tbh. You don't see the mum die, it's only suggested

It's because they're translated from the foreign versions of FML

It's from the French FML website. They're translating the submissions for us.