By ThatHurts - 14/11/2011 00:11 - Canada

Today, I have two black eyes. The first one I got from the girl whose ass I mistakenly grabbed at a party last night. The other one I got from my girlfriend when I explained the first one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 299
You deserved it 34 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BoredomCentral 8

Oh man. That sucks. Well, you managed to piss off two people in one night. Good job.


Well at least u weren't a jerk and didn't tell ur gf what happened. Good 4 u that instead of keeping it a secret, u were honest with ur gf... even if it meant a punch in the face!

I would say that that's domestic abuse. People are really sexist about how so many view abuse as only happening to women. So I hate to have to put this into an example as such, but what if a woman went home and confessed to her boyfriend that she went dancing at a club and a guy started to dance up on her and said he thought that she was someone else. And he beats her... Doesn't that sound a bit abusive? Well, it's the same for a man.

Be happy she didn't hit you in your first one.

Should've contacted the police about abuse. Dead ******' serious.

If the genders were switched this would be an outrage. Press charges and break up with your girlfriend.

Maybe you can let the raccoons accept you in their clan. Lol just kidding!

If the genders were reversed, that man would be in jail.