By tripb101 - 22/04/2009 18:47 - United States

Today, I hinted at getting it on towards my wife (it's been 2 weeks since we last did). She answered with "no I'm to tired", within 2 minutes she said, "I'm gonna go use the treadmill". She got all hot and sweaty for about 30 minutes, but it was with the treadmill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 045
You deserved it 6 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suppose talking to her about the problem is no doubt out of the question?

Not everyone feels like having sex all of the time...sheesh.


Monty_Python 0

That sucks. 2 weeks? FYL big time.

steelydan 0

Everyone on here is missing the point about this, it's not that he got denied. It's that she lied in her excuse by saying "no, im tired" then she went and exercised. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if the wife didn't lie.

toomz 0

You've been replaced by a piece of exercise equipment...blows...

loverlyeyes90 0

she's probably cheating on you.

sUpEr_FmL 0

you coulda started then she woulda joined least thts what i would have done. FYL

Man, you must be a BEAST in the sack.

Maybe she was turned off by your horrible grammar and your inability to use a spell-checker.

MoonlightSonata 0

You know, most likely the reason why your wife doesn't want to have sex with you has to do with how she feels towards you emotionally. Maybe it's the little things that you do that make you look selfish and unkind, like letting her do all the work around the house, eating the last of a particular food without even asking her if she would like some too, etc, etc. Or maybe you expect sex from her all the time, maybe even every considerably nice gesture towards her you do is done on the purpose of getting something from her. Don't think she can't tell. She can. I used to have a boyfriend who also counted the days of how long it had been since we had sex. But with him it was even worse. For him, 2 days without sex was a catastrophe. And he constantly 'hinted' at it, constantly asked to have sex, constantly whined that I didn't touch him enough (i.e., every time I happened to be near him). And of course, he didn't do much to get me in the mood. And I tell you, a guy who is whining about how you don't have sex with him enough and who you know will be pouting like a little child if you don't give in is the worst mood killer. Of course, he was also emotionally abusive and selfish so our issues went a lot deeper than me simply not being ready to serve 24/7 and that's why he's an ex now, too. What I'm trying to say here is, for women sex starts in the mind, in everyday life. Give her what she needs - fix your emotional relationship, work out all the grudges, be nice and considerate towards her without expecting anything in return - and she'll give you what you need. And of course, also work on turning her on more, seduce her, subtly bring her into it, not just point at the bedroom door.

Dude, she probably doesn't feel confidant with her body. Which why she didn't want to have sex, AND why she went to the treadmill directly after being offered.

As a woman, I can safely say that either she's screwing someone else, or a complete frigid bitch (which seems unlikely as submitter finds this dry spell unusual). No way in hell would I go two weeks without having sex with my husband.