By tripb101 - 22/04/2009 18:47 - United States

Today, I hinted at getting it on towards my wife (it's been 2 weeks since we last did). She answered with "no I'm to tired", within 2 minutes she said, "I'm gonna go use the treadmill". She got all hot and sweaty for about 30 minutes, but it was with the treadmill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 053
You deserved it 6 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suppose talking to her about the problem is no doubt out of the question?

Not everyone feels like having sex all of the time...sheesh.


You know, the point of comments is to comment on the FML story. Not on their grammar, or spelling. He could be from another country. Yes, sorry to say, but not everyone in the world speaks English. What a shocker. Sucks for you. Be more open. Communication means everything in a relationship.

Kitty34_fml 0

She probably wasn't in the mood. I think a lot of guys don't realize that most women need to be in the mood for sex. It's not one of those I'm-willing-to-do-it-24/7 kind of things like it is for most guys. I don't think she was lying when she said she was too tired, then went on the treadmill. Personally, I get more worked up and sweaty having sex than I do on a treadmill.

#5 "Did you miss the memo that said that, once you're married, your wife has every right to deny you sex for however long she wants, and she will probably abuse said power?" Legally yes, but she can expect a divorce. Of course two weeks is obviously way too short for that, considering one week of that might be for biological reasons. Often I feel tired at the beginning of a workout and the energy just comes later. This guy sounds like a turd for thinking he can get laid just by dropping a hint. He's got to show some game, even with his wife.

Everyone is missing something out of the post. If she said she was tired and then went to workout the chemicals and adrenaline and everything else released into her body would have woken her back up. The OP should have then asked her if she wanted to have sex. If it was more excuses he should sit down and talk about it with her. She could be doing it for herself, someone else, or any variant in between. The main problem I see is that her excuse was moot after she was done exercising and the OP should have then re-asked her if she wanted to have some sex. It could be like people said that she wasn't in the mood or feeling sexy or that as I've learned over time that most of the time women will give emotionally/sexually towards 1 partner and if you're not it... it's someone else.

10, 37/48: A fortnight *is* a long time to go without sex in a relationship. Damn. OP: Yeah, maybe she is cheating on you (lying saying she's tired, working out maybe to impress someone else) but maybe not. Obviously she's not communicating with you however, so have a long talk where you lay your cards out on the table. You haven't had sex in 2 weeks, she lied saying she was tired, so what's up? Gotta find out what's bothering her, let her get it off her chest, and if you can, even fix it. Mostly listen though. And if she's not gonna open up, you may be on the downhill slope, because there's a communication breakdown here. Oh, and FYL, because 2 weeks without sex.

ohreally123 0

You need to talk to her about this.

kellster 2

Guess you're not much fun in bed, dude! Also: learn to spell.

Dude since you are married and shit you must be pretty old so LEARN to spell right!

...18 year olds can get married. At least where I live

She's getting all fit for the other man in her life