By tripb101 - 22/04/2009 18:47 - United States

Today, I hinted at getting it on towards my wife (it's been 2 weeks since we last did). She answered with "no I'm to tired", within 2 minutes she said, "I'm gonna go use the treadmill". She got all hot and sweaty for about 30 minutes, but it was with the treadmill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 045
You deserved it 6 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suppose talking to her about the problem is no doubt out of the question?

Not everyone feels like having sex all of the time...sheesh.


nottootoxic 0

Here, I'm going to write this over for you with proper English: "Today I discovered I absolutely suck in bed and I've failed my wife as a sexual partner. FML."

ohreally123 0

Also, be supportive of her as a wife. Do something nice around the house or take her out to dinner or compliment her. Just because she's not wanting to have sex doesn't mean she's cheating on you, it might just mean she's got something on her mind or wants to see that you like having her around for more than just a quick boning. Tell her and show her you love her, sex or no sex. She's your wife, don't let her drift away.

Sounds like your wife is cheating on you.

Dude, I can't believe you're counting when it's only been two weeks. Two weeks, man. Chill the **** out! So she didn't wanna get down with you, but had no problem using the treadmill? And you think there's some comparison? Pfft. Sex is a lot more effort than a simple run on the 'mill. It requires a certain level of enthusiasm and if you're not in the mood (and your partner doesn't even try to get you there, and just makes semi-sutble/suggestive comments) then you're just NOT IN THE MOOD. It doesn't mean she's cheating, or that you should cheat, or that you need marriage counselling, or any other god damn idiotic suggestion that's been posted here. Jesus Christ. It's 14 sex free days. Dramatic much?? FYL for being a married man who not only LITERALLY counts the days from his last lay, but "hints" at sex rather than actually trying to get his woman in the mood. FYL indeed.

no big deal... sometimes i dont want to have sex with my BF just because Im just not feeling it or well... it just that im not in the mood.... and it not because he isnt good in bed... which He realllyy is... its just im not up for sex....

Since when does a woman not wanting to have sex instantly mean she's cheating?

2 weeks. Oh my! However will you go on living? See this is the problem with most men. Please realize that she has every right to simply not want sex and that it doesn't always have to be about you. Sex is not needed for a good relationship. Your love won't die if you don't get to use her to relieve yourself. Please just forget your penis exists, when you're not urinating.

I agree with #3 And also, your wife is a bitch. Did you mention that to her 'honey, you went on the treadmill when you were 'too tired' to have sex'..."