By tripb101 - 22/04/2009 18:47 - United States

Today, I hinted at getting it on towards my wife (it's been 2 weeks since we last did). She answered with "no I'm to tired", within 2 minutes she said, "I'm gonna go use the treadmill". She got all hot and sweaty for about 30 minutes, but it was with the treadmill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 045
You deserved it 6 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suppose talking to her about the problem is no doubt out of the question?

Not everyone feels like having sex all of the time...sheesh.


TunaFlavoredFing 0

That was her way of saying, you have her permission to go ahead and bang your secretary. Have fun!

revanche 2

everyone is defending the girl but if the roles were switched everyone will tell him to man up

miss2kute31 0

YDI for saying "to" and not "too."

I clicked FYL, but keep in mind that she doesn't have to have sex with you if she doesn't want to.

Maybe she's been too tired for the last two weeks coz she's always on the treadmill trying to look good for you :)

Wooow she could have just said she's not in the mood instead of trying to sugar coat it and then making it obvious she was lying. What a bitch.