By Anonymous - 04/01/2011 20:28 - United States

Today, I hit a parked car which was sticking out in the road and practically unavoidable. I left a note on the windshield saying, "You deserved to get hit - you park like an asshole." Later I realized that the paper I tore to write on was the back of my bank statement, name and address included. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 498
You deserved it 79 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you hit a parked car, it's your goddamned fault. I hope the owners take your bank statement, hack into your account, and use your own money to pay for the damage you caused.


Do your breaks work? Maybe if you were paying attention you wouldn't have hit him!

zakkyzebra 11

brakes* just sayin'. I'm not trying to be a grammatical asshole.

fthku 13

I'm gonna sound like a sexist asshole for saying this. On the other hand I don't really care. I'm gonna say with 90% certainty that you're a woman. Regardless of that however, you are probably the biggest dumbass ************ (Is this grammatically correct?) who ever wrote an FML. At least from the ones I read so far. You really should pray that either 1.) It's someone you know. 2.) They are the nicest person in the planet. Oh and.. yeah if you hit a parked car it's your fault, whether or not they parked it like assholes.

CloudKumo 12's pretty clear that she's a woman. There's an icon on the FML that shows their gender.

ohJeeznotme 7

YDI for trying to break the law with a hit and run scumbag! If you were paying attention to where you were driving then you could have avoided the car. Cut up your license.

franwins0827 7

YDI for being stupid enough to not look at what you were writing on. Also, slow the **** down. My guess is you were in a residential area or a parking lot, which means you should have had enough time to brake and avoid hitting the car IF you were going the appropriate speed. You're the asshole, and I hope you get sued.

I'm gonna hazard a guess and say this anonymous person was a women, probably 5"2 and of caucasian appearance

InnocentLies 0

xD That's funny my brother hit a parked car as well. He tried to blame me. -_-

Since the driver did leave a note with his/her name and address it is not a hit and run. YDI for hitting a parked car.

TheDrifter 23

If they would have written it on an insurance statement they would even have left all the required information.

underyourbreath 8

True, but the intention was to not leave any information and that is a hit and run. OP is whining because he left an easy way to get caught.

I am stunned! A "parked" car is "practically unavoidable"? LMAO! What, it jumped out in front of you and ran you down? YDI! NO LICENSE FOR YOU!

Rick_S 3

I hope you get turned into the police and get prosecuted.