By Anonymous - 22/10/2011 01:33 - United States

Today, I introduced my new boyfriend to my parents. Everyone knows he's into the emo scene, but this didn't stop my dad from slowly looking him up and down, then saying, completely deadpan, "You never told us you were a lesbian, honey." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 126
You deserved it 37 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SimpleMinds_fml 7

Did your boyfriend go home and right a whiny song about it?


Those damn emo kids are always confusing me.

OK it isn't like I am too fond of the emo thing either but what your dad said was totally uncalled for. I bet you that he is probably a homophobic . Hate me all you want but that is what I think it is.

BoredomCentral 8

.... Or he just has a sense of humor.

rockvixen 0
WadeWilson_fml 6

YDI, how can any girl like those emo idiots is beyond me, they are girlier than a 10 year old..

onikage_666 0

Haha, he deserved it, i cant stand people who label themselves and fell the need to look dress and act like whoever else listens to the same music.

jgam013727_fml 0

thats what you get for dating a emo guy lmao

Ummmm I 'm sorrry but what exactly is an EMO ?? I live in NJ and have never heard that before. I appologize for my ignorance in advance, because I know this comment is probobly ..(A) going to get slammed for me not knowing what an EMO is and (B) buried. (hope not). If someone could be so kind as to send me a message telling me wht it is that would be nice too.......

Emo is just a name for people who like prefer back, always depressed, cut their wrists, attempt suicide, always wear skinny jeans. There's more to it but there ya go