By alf - 27/10/2008 02:34 - France

Today, I kissed the girl I love for the first time. Her reaction? She vomited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 886
You deserved it 7 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

O_0 0

That sucks my friend...maybe she just had a stomic bug.....


and again the french are failing badly

wtf dont see how Asians can be hot #10.. no offence

dude... I'm sorry... maybe she just didn't feel well...

MiGman 5

dude shit like this happens. she was probably sick.

hahah. that is such a south park thing to do. lol

Maybe you shouldnt have spiked her drink! :P:L

insaine_98 0

I felt like I had to vomit when my friend aske for a kiss..

neoncookie16 0

that doesnt always mean she doesnt like you...

lol u c I'm sure there is more to the story than that my friend!!!! there always is!!! lol