By Anonymous - 28/09/2009 21:00 - United States
Same thing different taste
By TedX - 19/08/2020 20:07
By ash - 13/06/2011 03:20 - United States
By augh - 10/12/2010 08:24
By anonymous - 05/03/2011 05:34 - France
By Karim - 12/12/2012 05:29 - France - Aix-en-provence
By Anonymous - 01/04/2009 05:13 - United States
Smoking hot dude
By Anonymous - 05/07/2018 19:00
By teriyaki124 - 21/03/2009 09:13 - United States
This is me
By EchoDearEcho - 04/02/2010 14:52 - Australia
The straights are at it again
By Anonymous - 17/06/2023 12:00
Top comments
Oh god man I'm so sorry, that sucks big time! Are you alright? (and if this is a case of her dropping grease on herself in surprise, is she okay?) If she doused you in hot grease you should press charges, mothers shouldn't ever hurt their children regardless of the reason. I really hope that this is just a case of her being shocked and dropping the pan. (oh and if anyone tells you you deserved it, ignore the douche bag)
wooow. I hope you're okay..
God damn. People need to chill the **** out.
I wish Obama would make opposition to gays a felony. sorry but your mother should be in jail for life, no possibility of parole. I'm tired of republican hate mongers, lock them up and throw away the key. fyl indeed. I will pray our society becomes more tolerant
Wow, that's really tolerant of you! And who says the mother threw the hot grease at him? She may have dropped the pan and splattered them both, set the grease on fire, accidentally spilled it on herself... Seriously, throwing hot grease at someone is not the only result of springing surprising news on someone holding a hot pan. You keep being that tolerant, loving Democratic self you are.
wow you seem to be one of those douch-ey political types that has to get politics included in everything then i will too; if Obama did something like that it would be a infringment of the first amendment to the constitution; the right of free speech even if it is "wrong" its still an opinion that people can have YOU should be more lenient to the people that are like that. think of something you hate, like, Really hate. now imagine not being able to say anything about it. see?? so SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!!!
Obvious troll is obvious.
Silly 45, presidents don't make laws, they just pass or veto!
**** tolerance lol jk but man thats terrible that ur own mother would do that
Oh, **** off, you douchenozzle.
No, because we are in Communist Russia, and in Communist Russia, my opinion alone stands. AHHHHHHH MOTHERLAAAAND
Homophobes: Because they hate what they cannot comprehend. That sounds like a good Demotivational poster...
I'd have her charged. Mother or no mother.
#17.. there are some ****** up people out there. You'd be surprised what people are capable of.