By Buzzie - 02/09/2010 21:09 - United States

Today, I learned that my apartment's walls are thin enough for my neighbors to hear my vibrator. I've lived in this apartment for three years. I've been single and horny for all of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 558
You deserved it 14 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RoccoRox 0

just say, I do have a boyfriend, he's just battery operated ;).

glorialaura21 8

well just say it's your electric toothbrush! ..and you were making noise bc you have sensitive teeth and it hurts when u brush? lol duhh


FFML_314 11

That's how we get down in Minnesota. :P

And they didn't offer you any assistance with your horniness? Not very neighborly of them.

Schizomaniac 24

Tell them it's a light saber.

FFML_314 11

Those don't vibrate. Vibrators don't glow. Come on Schitz!

Schizomaniac 24

They don't vibrate, but they make the "Wom, woooooooom" sound that sounds like a vibration! And there are no apartment walls thin enough to see through, so the glowing doesn't matter!Come on Aria/Anna, whichever one your name is!

FFML_314 11

laslfjaslkfdsldfjlasfj! Anna. I have XRay vision. I can see through walls.

Schizomaniac 24

Hahaha, sorry! Anna it is. Well I guess that changes things a bit -_-

I'm sure they make glow in the dark vibrators.

It's hard if you don't think some desperate disease-infested a**hole is worth the risk or emotional drain. (smart, normal) women consider themselves human beings, not sex objects.

Also, women don't consider sex the be all and end all- sex is part of their life, not the only objective of it. We're actually human beings, not animals.

Shaggy_92 5

-32 no man it's the vibrator where she needs a safety helmet in case she gets throwd off LMAO ROFL ! ydi just tell the dude with darkness comes beauty OP! rofl

hey, you can go onto sites, or adult stores and ask for a vibrator that has a very quiet motor, there ARE vibrators like that. really. a good site would be

why does everyone assume the op is ugly just bc she has been single. what is with ppl on here geez. It's not a big deal that she is single. As for hearing the vibrator big deal it could work in your favor! Your neighbors could have a cute friend and mention the horny girl next door an all your problems will be solved :)

I agree with you cathylee, maybe OP is single by choice but still wants to fulfil her sexual needs. I have a very active sex life with my bf but still use my vibe quite often...

Shaggy_92 5

the reason we do is cus I mean seriously. girls that are horny get snached up quicker than anything. no offence to the op I was just sayin like if she ain't attractive just turn off the lights then you're good to go. now if she is fat and ugly not assuming she is, now that's a tough one. lol :)

it's not true that horny cute girls get snatched up quicker then anything. I'm single and I'm niether fat or ugly an can have my sexy moments like any girl. Some guys just can't approach girls.

1frostedcupcake 0

haha, "There goes Buzzie again, we need to find her a date for the sake of her vibrator..." LMFAO