By rusrs - 30/03/2012 02:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I learned that my mother now refuses to drink anything but bottled water because she actually believes that the government is putting a chemical in tap water that lowers pregnancy rates. She is trying for her 5th child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 433
You deserved it 2 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well they do put Fluoride in the water which is a neural toxin (IE kills brain cells). Why do you think toothpaste says if swallowed contact poison control?


bottled water increases the chance of getting cancer.

Its a conspirisy man... the government is trying to control us man... they got a car that runs on water man...

LunaDragon 10

That's 70s Show, will always be awesome.

Skyanne 11

FYL for knowing your mother's constantly doing the dirty to try to get pregnant. I don't care how old anyone is, knowing your parents do it is disturbing. D:

Some parents tell others if they're planning on having a baby.

A bit rude there.. Some people are just THAT paranoid. Plus, opnever said mom was stupid.

Please being paranoid is one thing, it's another to accuse the government of putting chemicals in water. That's illogical. First of all what chemical lowers pregnancy rates that can be put in water? Second there's many water companies. Third there's too much ******* cities for the government to control the water. Fourth scientists do studies all the time, wouldn't they figure it out by now? OP'ss mom is stupid and ignorant.

I wouldn't be surprised if her theory is true.

Us normal folk will never know. *shrugs*

FajitaFreak 3

It would not surprise me in the least if that were true. Also, there IS fluoride as well as some other chemicals depending on where you live. Fluoride is very toxic. Good for your teeth, but there's a reason why you aren't supposed to swallow toothpaste.

Who knows what theyre doing. To prove your theory, all doctors should document each pregnancy and graph it using four charts: race, religion, social class, and location. If one group shows a dramatically higher amount of pregnancies as a % of people of child bearing age, you've got your culprit.

No connection, they would simply be another unfounded survey that people use. Way way way more factors than just water.

I'm not saying that the source is water. I'm saying that If someone was causing infertility, all you have to do is search for the group who has the highest levels of pregnancy because obviously they wouldn't want to keep their own women from getting impregnated and would tell them things like "oh, don't drink that water or beverage, it's not good for you. Don't worry if other people drink it and seem fine. I'm telling you not to."

It's not a goddamned theory. It crazy speculation.

Perhaps the categories you're talking about have an impact on fertility themselves? Then what?

18 - actually, scientists do studies on the things they get funding for. Thurs not specifically testing for causes of infertility. Random fact:. H5N1 is a rare flu that is highly fatal, but is not really transferrable to humans, which is why it hasn't been a problem. HOWEVER, 2 labs created a strain that is so contagious that it is spread through the air. I sure hope those ******* know what they're doing. Read about it from the NY Times. Smart doesn't always mean they have common sense.

friedbunnies 9