By Traveler - 09/10/2015 02:06

Today, I learned that your crotch can just light up on the body scanner in the airport for no apparent reason; and when that happens, a thorough pat down of that area will be performed by a confused security officer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 165
You deserved it 1 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems like you must have a very dangerous weapon down there

I guess your dick was just to big to be taken on the plane


hahahaha123123 10

Concealed weapon - interesting

Sounds to me like you're just hiding your drugs well.

This is how the famous quote was born "Is that a gun in your pocket ? ....."

peterj96 11

Had that happen over my heart and dead center in my upper back, I think I was more concerned about it than they were, I was wearing a thin shirt so he lightly rubbed over the two areas with two fingers n let me go but I had to sit there and stare at the monitor until the next person got in and it changed. Apparently my mom had the same thing happen on the same day but we were in different terminals. I'm still kinda wigged wondering wtf that is in there