By Traveler - 09/10/2015 02:06

Today, I learned that your crotch can just light up on the body scanner in the airport for no apparent reason; and when that happens, a thorough pat down of that area will be performed by a confused security officer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 165
You deserved it 1 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems like you must have a very dangerous weapon down there

I guess your dick was just to big to be taken on the plane


Sorry OP, TSA can be a huge pain. I got patted down because I had rhinestones on my shorts.

I've had the same thing happen to me with my back. Apparently salt content is picked up by the scanner. So whether you're sweating or have juices on your crotch, that's why

I recall rumors of IUDs setting off those things. But really, it's something to do with salt content triggering something with the machine. Weird.

It may have been the zipper on your trousers?

Sometimes lotion can set the scanner off...

missbritt203 9

That happened to me recently, 'Cept it was crotch & boobs. I figured they just wanted a quick feel of the "areas in question". I guess it's just a thing...unless there are pervs working at the airport where you were as well.

It is specifically for this reason that, when I fly, I make sure to wear only a mankini, flip flops, and a smile. I also like to moan a bit during the pat downs just to let the TSA agents know that they are doing a good job. it helps to put everyone at ease.

Is it a bright green mankini with yellow polka dots?

This seriously happens to me like every time and I don't know why