By pain - 01/11/2011 14:52 - United States

Today, I learned the hard way that you should never use medical tape to secure gauze over a razor cut on your scrotum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 175
You deserved it 39 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Aprilfoolsjoke 0

Only fags shave their balls. Only raging fags talk about it. Just saying.

BuckNekkid 22

you shave your scrote? wtf you deserve it moron

i shave mine all the time, with disposable razors (you know, the kind that's notorious for cutting your face up). i've never cut myself doing it.

AhmandahAnarchy 5

next time, use super glue. or better yet, gorilla glue.

******* idiot. :P why in the world would you ever do that??

Dude - man up! You don't need to put anything on razor cuts to the scrotum. Scrotum skin heals in 24 hours max - it's like we men have a bit of Wolverine transplanted onto us - just to protect the jewelry. BTW: If you find you keep nicking your scrotum when you shave it - try shaving it dry instead of wet. It's ten times easier dry...

Streety1220 0

Haha wtf were you thinking???

... I must say I'm a bit surprised by many of the reactions here. When women post here about criticism they've received about hairy bushes, it seems the majority of posts basically say: "Stop being disgusting, and shave or trim your pubes." But the majority of male posters here seem to be saying: "Why would any man shave or trim his pubes?!?" Double standard perhaps?

varkey 7

Probably because it's safer to use some kind of cream than a razor on one's genitalia? It seems to be common sense, so YDI OP.

and THATS why men should never shave their genitals

Um getting a nick is hardly proof that shaving is wrong. Just as logical is: "And THAT'S why people should learn how to shave with a razor" If men stopped shaving the first time they nicked themselves - the vast majority of men would have ape-like beards - and the population would either shrink to zero, or all children would be inbred because only 10 women on the planet would allow the ape-men to breed with them :o)

airsnake2k 1

what are you stupid? nah ur story is prolly fake no one could be that stupid