By GrumpyBunny - 28/03/2016 07:27 - United States - Marysville

Today, I learned the true meaning of "throwing money down the toilet" when pulling my pants up, somehow my $100 Easter money fell out of my pocket mid flush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 997
You deserved it 4 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try and use your front pocket first. Sorry bout that op


Sounds like you didn't have an eggcellent easter

_lifemyfuck_ 11

That's happened to me before so now I'm paranoid and I take everything out of my back pocket and hold them while using the bathroom (x

Today, I opened the top of my convertible. On the highway I watched the wind scoop out 75$ of this months tip money out onto the highway. FML

I always thought the quote was "flushing money down the toilet" nit throwing... Im being completely serious. No joke

Some sewer worker is gonna be glad he works with shit in a while

Sorry for your loss, OP. Maybe in the future you will empty your pockets before you go!