By GrumpyBunny - 28/03/2016 07:27 - United States - Marysville

Today, I learned the true meaning of "throwing money down the toilet" when pulling my pants up, somehow my $100 Easter money fell out of my pocket mid flush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 997
You deserved it 4 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try and use your front pocket first. Sorry bout that op


Man, same here. I flushed all of my matzah down the toilet! Now how am I supposed to have a Seder?

This happened to me in a way. My Garmin vivofit fell on my wrist into the toilet mid-flush.

Tsumetai_ 11

You know how people hunt for Easter eggs? Usually plastic eggs with candy inside them. Well seems some people put money in them instead. Which is so strange. When I was a kid I'd rather have candy than money in my eggs.

JESUS DIDNT DIE SO YOU COULD GET MONEY He died for the chocolate

dragoongirl90 34

This is what wallets are for.

This never happens or had happened to me but I'm always traumatised that the ceramic throne might take something from my pockets

nellyphant 18

Easter money?! And I thought I was lucky getting an egg...

MasterTron 24

Don't think of it as throwing or flushing away your money. It's more like making a long term savings deposit somewhere you can't get to it.

Be glad you got any money at all. I got a pack of gum and some candies

And I bet you have them, right? Op doesn't have anything