By bugger - 22/02/2015 17:31

Today, I looked my boyfriend in the eyes and said "I love y-" He cut me off with, "Babe, a blowjob's worth a thousand words" and held eye contact until I awkwardly excused myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 079
You deserved it 5 181

Same thing different taste


that would be funny given a certain circumstance but sounds like you didn't take it too well he's a dick did IT at least apologize lol tell him that getting your two bottom ribs removed is worth a thousand words 2 go have fun with that (if you don't understand what I mean by that Marilyn Manson had his two bottom ribs removed so I could give himself a bj)

Still a better love story than twilight

A thousand words, eh? Since you only wanted to say 3 you could tell him that he'll have to make you want to say these three words about 334 more times before he can look forward to another *******.

Venister 11