By kaitlin - 19/02/2010 06:30 - Australia

Today, I lost my virginity to an ultrasound probe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 132
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least the probe won't brag to his all his friends about it. Anyway, was it good for you?

cbutters 0

Was the ultrasound technician hot? also male or female?... please say female....


That's intresting due to the fact they won't do a transvaginal probe to a virgin.

umm yes actually they can they did it to me when I was a virgin

Monikabug 9

yeah, they do. if they have a reason to they will.

Yes they will if you think you have a bacterial infection or such things but they use a smaller probe.

hubbyiniraq 0

i had a co-worker last year who had this happen to her,,, they used the probe because she was bleeding for three months straight,,, :( so yeah they use probes with intact hymens. it cant be comfortable :(

Yes they will. I know a 7 year old who had one done for ovarian cysts

Sosco 0

cbutters is a sick ****. and this is just funny as hell. I agree, your lif sucks.

responding to #19: It's a little disturbing that you had to clarify "human"... WTF?

waterynuggets 0

Lol yeah vaginal ultrasounds, sorry that was painful for you, OP :/ At least you got a sense of humor about it.

omgwtffmmfl 0

Guss what OP... you'll be losing your butt virginity to a colonoscopy someday too

monikabug. Unless ur a sonagrapher shut ur piehole. we won't do a t.v on a virgin 'cause you will rupture the hymen. we will do it another way.

my obgyn told me they only ask if you are a virgin before the procedure so they can warn you of the possible pain and the fact that it'll be more painful than if you are sexually active, so if it's painful they know whether or not to worry if that's a symptom. I had this done when I was a virgin because I had an ovarian cyst rupture and it's the only non invasive way to see the damage.

KY_Jelly 10

Thank you, #52. I had a similar problem and had the same procedure. Glad to see someone had the intelligence to point that out. Also, #47, your grammer/spelling/capitalization needs work. I can't see why you would deem it prudent to correct someone else when you so badly need correcting yourself. That is all.

ultrasound probes are overrated, I'm sure...