By kaitlin - 19/02/2010 06:30 - Australia

Today, I lost my virginity to an ultrasound probe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 132
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least the probe won't brag to his all his friends about it. Anyway, was it good for you?

cbutters 0

Was the ultrasound technician hot? also male or female?... please say female....


Batie_fml 0

you can't loose your ******* virginity over an ultrasound probe.

you were just desperate to post something, a visit to the OB/GYN is not losing you v card. maybe when you lose your virginity to some lame dude you can come back with a story. keep trying!

So many people with the exact same comment... Can none of your be original enough to think about how the PROBE must have felt? Finally gets lucky and the girl goes and posts an FML about it... Sad day.

perdix 29

Is that what he told you his dick was? I once met a girl who was so stupid and gullible that I told her mine was a thermometer. She let me take her temperature, and wondered why I had to move it around so much. Then she asked me for the result and I told her the mercury spilled out. If it was a literal ultrasound probe, you still have your v-card.

perdix 29

Is it the imagery of the molten* mercury that is the most disturbing? *I know that mercury is liquid above about -38F; I just think that "molten" is a good adjective in that context.

It's the whole thing. I'm not sure if one certain part or another bothers me more. Hahaha

mp73 0

you're stupid anyway for going to those scam artists called gynocologists. you deserve everything you got while you were "loosing your virginity" maybe that will teach you a lesson. stay far away from those idiots

jenni_1285 0

Sadly I believe this is an actual opinion... Dear lord when will the idiocy end? This is like saying going to doctors in general is a scam and instead you should just rub mud on everything and pray for the best.

why were you getting an ultra sound as a virgin? haha in order to get pregnant and have an ultrasound, you have to have sex. so therefore you didn't lose your virginity to the machine, you lost it to the baby daddy.

jenni_1285 0

they use ultrasound to look at things other than a baby. They could be looking at the uterus or ovaries for other conditions.

shaythesuperhero 0

why would you be gettina an ultra sound when thats for babies. why would you wanna see if you have a baby when your a vergin? fail.

no YOU fail because ultra sounds aren't necessarily for when you're pregnant. and PS. you don't lose ur virginity unless you have had a penis in you. just because your hymen ripped doesn't mean anything !!!

why were you getting an ultrasound If you're a virgin?