By kaitlin - 19/02/2010 06:30 - Australia

Today, I lost my virginity to an ultrasound probe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 132
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least the probe won't brag to his all his friends about it. Anyway, was it good for you?

cbutters 0

Was the ultrasound technician hot? also male or female?... please say female....


hahaha I know how u did that with idoser I did it to it actually works!!!!

- hopes OP just has a weird sence of humour, and does actually realise you have to have sex to loose your V -

no you didn't. losing the virginity is 'penetration of the ****** by a penis'. you're still a virgin, relax.

zeorox 18

So anyone who has only been physical with someone of the same sex is still a virgin?

jenni_1285 0

she may not have lost her virginity but she most likely lost her hymen. Also vaginal ultrasounds are not overrated, they are way better than a man lol

better than a man? I really hope you are joking. otherwise FYL

yoogurtisgood 0

since when do ultrasounds=sex? I'm going to the doctors ;)

1733817338 0
jenni_1285 0

it's like a regular ultrasound but instead of looking through the outside of the tummy it's made for the ******. it looks like a long skinny *****.