By ThisGirl - 21/08/2012 02:30 - United States - Kennesaw

Today, I lost two terabytes' worth of photos to a friend's incompetence. He said he could save me some money and fix my slow computer for free. He ended up wiping the hard drive, and along with it, my photography portfolio from the last five years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 298
You deserved it 16 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you have an external hard drive to save these important things onto when you are letting someone unqualified (I'm guessing) mess with your stuff.

theslimshadylp 6

Holy shit five years? I would give your friend the wrath of God if I were you.


penguindude82 2

no computer data is permanent. back up all things important. computers die, often without warning. it sucks but YDI for going five years without backing up your photos.

Isn't 2 terabytes like extremely massive? That's got to be like a million photos?

your fault for not backing up on to an external hard drive

Since you have a portfolio I guess you call yourself a "professional phorographer". Pros backup their photos.

You can get all of the photos recovered. And. The professional services can recover information thats been written over several times ( about half a dozen times infact some places twice that many) so don't despair all is not lost.

Speak to your local universities computer science department - nothing is ever deleted unless the drive is physically destroyed. My friend lost her masters dissertation four days before hand in with a 3 week old back up - she got it back, and passed her masters.

Junizumi4 3

Pretty sure if you can afford 2 tb, then obviously you can afford a professional...

iHeartRKO 5
JessicaHearts 3

You shoulda had a backup, honestly. My dad is a professional wildlife photographer and he's got like 3 backups of everything for exactly this reason. YDI for not thinking ahead enough to back up any of your portfolio.

you should back up any important data. second, you get what you pay for....