By Anonymous - 07/03/2013 03:14 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, I met a guy in a bar. He was sweet and funny so I asked him out for coffee later. He quickly turned me down, saying that I didn't even meet his first requirement. His first requirement was "looks like a girl." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 381
You deserved it 4 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In my head I'm imagining some guy standing in front of you with a clipboard..... "No! You will not do!" He's not worth your time...


Wow, who died and made him judge of what makes a woman?

blackvyper 8

Better write that down for next time.

skyeyez9 24

Why are some people so heartless to others for no reason?

Why would you ask a guy out? I've always been told its best to let the guy make the first move.

Maybe if you time travel back a few decades...

What do they mean, it's "best"? Whoever told you that was talking out of their arse.

Steve95401 49

I guess that means that Justin Bieber isn't the OP.

To the op Ouch i know how you feel It seems for me if you wear a t shirt and jeans you are a guy and I have 40 ddd boobs

Axel5238 29

I feel bad for the OP, but I had a female friend in that situation. She dresses in baggy pants, sweat shirts all the time and lot a of people think she's a dude or lesbian because of it. She refuses to believe this might be a problem when meeting men and gets turned down because of it.

Maybe he was thinking you meant "hot coffee" and that was his way of saying no thanks I gotta work in the morning.

karen1991 15