By me - 14/01/2012 01:38 - United States

Today, I met my son for the first time since I had to put him up for adoption over two decades ago. I wanted to make amends and get to know him. Instead, all I got to know was how well he can throw a punch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 208
You deserved it 57 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're right, he should've left him in a dumpster.


Maybe you shouldn't have dumped him in one of the most abusive systems in America

bbearbo 1

...foster care and adoption are two different things.

The_sacrificer 5

You my dear, we're just TROLLED. To the highest extent. Now I have but one question for you.. YOU MAD? :D

Why the **** are there so many YDI's on this one? You people jumping to conclusions giving shit to the op ******* SUCK!!! You don't know op's story, you don't know why he had to give up his son, don't jump to a ******* convlusion to a story you don't even ******* know. **** off, wankers! To all the adopted people saying "i would do the same thing", you're just as ungrateful as the people saying YDI! To #172 Good for you, do you want a ******* medal for being a douchebag to other people? Shame on you! To #173, Who the hell are you to define who is their son or not? That's right, you're nobody in that department. The comment on this FML are one on the WORST of FML comments!

Why the **** are there so many YDI's on this one? You people jumping to conclusions giving shit to the op ******* SUCK!!! You don't know op's story, you don't know why he had to give up his son, don't jump to a ******* convlusion to a story you don't even ******* know. **** off, wankers! To all the adopted people saying "i would do the same thing", you're just as ungrateful as the people saying YDI! To #172 Good for you, do you want a ******* medal for being a douchebag to other people? Shame on you! To #173, Who the hell are you to define who is their son or not? That's right, you're nobody in that department. The comment on this FML are one on the WORST of FML comments!

yea you deserved it big time ... be happy u just got a punch..

Meesersuperman1 4

YDI having your child adopted is fine as long as you don't be a douche and let them know you still care about them. But when you haven't talked to them in 20 years what do you expect?

Why are there so many YDIs? We don't know the OP's circumstances of how why he had to give his son up so you can't say he gave him up because he didn't want his son. He said he wanted to make amends, so he deserves a punch in the face?

Jaws1240 0

Sounds like the movie "Elf" just a little twisted

huey211 1

on the other hand atleast you did try to make amends with him thats probably the start of something....n besides how many adopted kids get to see there biological parents?