By me - 14/01/2012 01:38 - United States

Today, I met my son for the first time since I had to put him up for adoption over two decades ago. I wanted to make amends and get to know him. Instead, all I got to know was how well he can throw a punch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 208
You deserved it 57 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're right, he should've left him in a dumpster.


Id do the same, people take that stuff to heart that you dont love them!

Oh my god, you're so stupid... You can't just say the OP doesn't love his son. People put their children up for adoption for reasons other than just not loving their child, like money issues. The OP even wrote he wanted to make amends and get to know him. Yeah, he sure doesn't love his son (sarcasm).

ArabFML 3

From an adopted kid to you OP, you deserved it.

I guess he wasn't ready to see you! Send him a letter with as much info as you can about him and his birth family. Everybody's life is A story ready to be read. Let him read and see pictures of your struggles and achievements. He will feel better about himself knowing, where his strengths and weaknesses come from. Keep a line open somehow. Maybe his adopted parents would be a good place to start.

sceptic 1

Why did the first one get so many thumbs down? She's right!

It's not like the dad put the kid up for adoption because he felt like being a dick. He more than likely had a legitimate reason. You don't know the circumstances.

CrazyChey 0

How does anyone think they deserved it? :/ i cant see how its their fault.

The guy abandoned his own child, then expected a heartwarming visitation. Are you saying you wouldn't be bitter if your own dad gave up on you and just gave you away? Maybe it was better, but if it was that just means that he was too shitty of a person at the time to be having a kid.

I am adopted and grateful. If it wasn't for my birth mother I wouldn't have such a wonder life she has given me everything I have now for giving me up for adoption. It took my dad 7 years to find my biological mother and when he did I was very happy. She wasn't trying to take me back I have my own parents. She just wanted to see how I ended up. To all the people saying YDI don't know how long it takes to find you biological parents/kids. For all you know he's been searching for years before being successful.

FlightlessRaven 0

I hope your his father... Cause thats just wrong if he punched a woman..

She still would have deserved the punch. This person probably ruined the child's life before he was even old enough to know what a father is, then goes to whine on FML when they aren't happy a about it. **** THEM! THAT KID'S LIFE IS PROBABLY SHIT BECAUSE OF WHAT HE DID.

#318 All I have to say to you is... Ur an idiot. When your adopted your put in a family where 99% of the time you have a father. So his life isn't ruined. Adoption isn't an orphanage. Get educated on this topic or don't leave a comment

KiddNYC1O 20

I don't understand why parents want to just pop up in their biological kid's life after so long. Especially if the opportunity was always there...

Unless you were raped, YOUR FAULT. Not ready to have kids, don't have unprotected sex.

Yeah, blame the poor guy for everything, like some self-righteous ****! Really, **** off...