By me - 14/01/2012 01:38 - United States

Today, I met my son for the first time since I had to put him up for adoption over two decades ago. I wanted to make amends and get to know him. Instead, all I got to know was how well he can throw a punch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 208
You deserved it 57 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're right, he should've left him in a dumpster.


josephgibbs10 0

He should have kicked you right in the pussy.

Awwww aren't you proud of him. He's doing so well!

kitties_fml 12

why the **** are there so many YDIs? Right, because parents should never make the painful choice to part with their child due to acknowledging the humiliating truth that they are unable to care for them as well as they deserve. I was adopted as an infant from teen parents [never met birth parents, have always known I was adopted] and have lived a wonderful, happy, loved life...and more than anything I'm grateful that my birth mother took 9 months of her very young life and completely altered her body to carry and birth me, and that I grew up with so many more opportunities than I would have with poor, sixteen year old parents.

im adopted and i met my mom two years ago i didnt want to throw a happy i didnt have to live with her.

skyeyez9 24

He may have been adopted into an abusive family and suffered for years. He took it out on you. Sorry op.

burntbeard 4

wow thats really sad. I am so sorry.

aimeesea75 16

You didn't deserve it. If you had to put your child up for adoption, that's not your fault. Now if you did it and you didn't have to, then it would be your fault.

If you didn't want him back then. Why should he want you now? Way to make your child feel like discarded unwanted trash...

Throw a punch back! Afteer all he is still your son :P

I don't know what to vote this, because on one hand, OP's son is probably having conflicted feelings so it's not really his fault. On the other hand, OP might have a good reason for putting his son up for adoption. So I voted "I agree, your life sucks."