By me - 14/01/2012 01:38 - United States

Today, I met my son for the first time since I had to put him up for adoption over two decades ago. I wanted to make amends and get to know him. Instead, all I got to know was how well he can throw a punch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 208
You deserved it 57 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're right, he should've left him in a dumpster.


I sure hope like hell that ur not serious about this

bre_zip_it_up13 11

i think if anyone wanted to put their kid for adoption let that person be a close friend or family member so that way you'll be there in the process of the kid growing up instead of popping up years later. also if you don't want kids use protection and make sure the girl have a birth control pill or nuva ring

TheyCallMeDamien 17

On the good side of things you know he can defend himself.

bbearbo 1

as someone who was actually adopted, i think i'd care less about my birth parent wanting to get to know me than if they had just aborted me, which is the much easier, simpler option. props to the op for actually keeping the baby to term and for caring enough to initiate contact. it is even more impressive that the op says he is a man, because it is somewhat easier for a man to become disconnected from that situation than the woman who is actually carrying the baby. from what i understand my birth father wanted nothing to do with me from day 1, probably because he was preoccupied with being in jail.

hoodyNOT2shoes 0

I'm adopted. The feeling isn't great. I'd probably do the same with my parents. If I ever meet them.

u kinda cant blamse him though... you gave him up, and he had grown up calling people who he is not even related to 'mom' and 'dad'... u kinda deserved it

jstorie95 8

If my mom put me up for adoption, I'd probably do the same thing he did

I know how your son feels and I would've done the same thing.