By Anonymous - 02/11/2010 12:17 - United States

Today, I moved back in with my parents in order to help them with the mortgage, so they don't lose the house that has been in our family for three generations. I also found out that I now have a curfew, and so does my husband and our 3 year old son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 579
You deserved it 5 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LoveINKs 0

Tell them, WHEN THEY PAY ALL THE BILLS, THEY CAN MAKE THE RULES! or just life them in their room!

MissErikaHart 0


I moved back in with my mom once to get back on my feet. never again. I had a beer one night and she cursed me out for hours. in the end their house their rules. live with it or leave it.

In your case, you were depending on your folks, so you had to take whatever they dished out. In the OP's situation, the folks are financially dependent on her and her husband. That's a different situation entirely.

greatnt249 0

"I had a beer one night and she cursed me out for hours." Ever stop to think that was her way of getting you out of the house?

Suck it up or move out. They won't live forever.

Explain to them that you are not a kid anymore and tell them if they don't lay off on the kid stuff that you are going to have to move out again.

You're the one helping your parents. Lay down the law, missy! You have the power to threaten to revoke your help.

This whole fml is useless unless you tell us what the curfew is, if it is before 11pm then it is ridiculous, but Im sure your parents want insomnia because of you waking them up at 3 in the mourning added to their list of problems, which would include financial failure and their child moving back into their house to "help them" when just giving them a check would be perfectly fine. So ydi for being a moron.

#76 -- With regard to an independent adult, parents attempting to instill ANY curfew -- 11:00am, 1:00am, 5:00am -- is ridiculous. Also, "mourning" means to be grieving; you meant "morning" (a time of day).

starberries 0

She probably can't afford to pay their mortgage and her own rent. The money that would have been going to rent is now going towards the mortgage. I'm going to assume you're a teenager so you don't know how these things work.

I did the same thing to help my parents. but they ended up loosing the house because my $800 dollar a month payments were going to the new car they just bought FML

Just talk to your parents they should understand that you are an adult and wish to be treated as such.

i8thelastcookeii 0
restythestar 0

speak up your mind instead of rambling on internet, you're an adult

It's either "speak your mind" or "speak up" not both. Choose one. Don't be greedy. :-P Also, 51 wins this thread.

restythestar 0

okay, grammar nazi. is it just me or I can't see #51?

#51 is clear up towards the top. I hate the post numbering system on this site.

lacyjane 0

3 generations sint very long... that's how many are living there now! should've let the house go