By arsenalfcboy - 20/01/2014 09:31 - United Kingdom - York

Today, I noticed that the condom in my wallet has been there so long it's left a mark. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 384
You deserved it 14 027

arsenalfcboy tells us more.

I'm a uni student so believe me, I go out plenty. Still no luck.

Top comments

It's bad to keep condoms in you wallet because they could break easy in there. So maybe it's a good thing it's been a while, other wise you may have ended up with am unwanted baby.

After so much time, the condom is probably just as dried up as your sex life. What, too soon?


nolanj21 6

Dude, never put condoms in your wallet. The movement from walking and stuff can where it out. I have a kid because of this.

must suck to get nothing from the feline nature...

Whatever you do, do NOT use it. Keeping it there will ensure that it breaks.

least it shows your not a man ***** :)

That's what happens when you don't have sex

you're not supposed to have a condom in your wallet in the first place.. that's how you become a daddy

What can you expect being an arsenal fan...

Yikes! You arent the only one at least

How's that? Arsenal usually isn't shy when it comes to getting ******.