By shtidsfpa - 18/06/2014 21:06 - United States - Shelby

Today, I only just found out that the abbreviation "lbs" is actually short for pounds. I've been saying "labs" my entire life. I'm 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 351
You deserved it 55 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess we all know you didn't pay attention in school.

I'm surprised that nobody ever corrected you before. You must have some crap friends.


I'm surprised that a parent, friend or teacher never corrected you. now you need to question what else you thought you knew.

I did that from when I learned to read until I was about 7, when my mom corrected me.

foxmatrix15 8

How did u go through life when people ask you for weight and u respond with "labs" did people not look at u funny and correct u?

So.. on bags of things that would say, for example, 2 lbs, you assumed it meant 2 labs?

WOW - even I knew this and I grew up with (and still use) the metric system. I have to wonder why nobody has ever corrected you on this before.

tehdarkness 21

I don't even know how this is possible!!

Well, on one hand YDI for being a bit lacking in knowledge. On the other, I guess FYI because I don't know why in your 21 years of living, no one has corrected you. Wow. Unless people have and you just didn't listen. Then in that case, YDI for not listening.

halcyondaze 11

So what kind of unit of measurement did you think labs was?

thejimler 9

Possibly their weight in Labradors, i.e "I weigh 10 Labradors!" Metric is much easier to understand.

ProudDaddy 7

Labs? Lmao, why would they just leave the "A" out lol

Amazing no one ever corrected you on that.