By Anonymous - 28/09/2013 16:25 - Serbia - Beograd

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. She said yes, but the ring turned out to be quite tight on her finger. She then chewed me out, saying that I can't do anything right, then changed her answer to no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 812
You deserved it 4 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it's better that she changed her answer to no. Imagine what it would be like if you found out she was like that after being married to her.


Wow. All these chicks I hear about being mean and nasty and might I add stupid to their men surprises the hell out of me. I think you're better off. Find a sweet girl who would have said it didn't matter it can be fixed and threw her arms around you. Find someone to focus on the positive and your relationship not a ******* ring fitting wrong. Good luck.

That's a good thing then. If she's that much maintenance and selfish inconsiderate snobby bitch then she can go take a flying **** throw a rolling doughnut. I would go bang her sister and then move on. Your better off with out her.

Good news, you can return the ring. Better news, you can return her, too.

Every dead relationship starts with kay jk she's a stuck up bitch

What a stuck up brat, better off giving that ring to someone more greatfuk

katie1474 4

you're not perfect and getting the correct ring size can be tricky. you guys could have just had it sized. you deserve better if that's why she left

Sounds like you're better off. Good luck, OP!