By Anonymous - 28/09/2013 16:25 - Serbia - Beograd

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. She said yes, but the ring turned out to be quite tight on her finger. She then chewed me out, saying that I can't do anything right, then changed her answer to no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 812
You deserved it 4 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it's better that she changed her answer to no. Imagine what it would be like if you found out she was like that after being married to her.


StarrliteFire 7

at least you know what kinda person she is

That's what you get for making her look fat.

YDI: you should have asked for her ring size.....

Absolutely, nothing says "I'm secretly planning to propose to you soon" like asking your girlfriend for her ring size...

DasHaas 9

Sounds like you dodged a bullet there. Good thing you found out before you signed anything.

I guessed at my wife's ring size and at that an educated guess, but none the less, I would suggest you lads "borrow" or just get any ring she has... They can size that and assume that it will be close. Yes fingers measure different even from your left to right hand, but if she wears the ring on the right hand, the left won't be much different. You can always resize later.

You dodge a bullet. Find someone who respects you

TrinityNevada 11

It was a wonderful gesture and I am part of the "You're lucky you dodged the bullet" camp. I bought a ring for myself some months back and I didn't even know my own ring size. If she's going to be that picky and that bitchy about a ring you GAVE her, especially since you did something with good intentions, you're lucky you didn't marry her. She really does seem like a bitch. Who turns a guy down for a marriage based on something so petty?

grashopper8 7

Run! She's abusive and a bitch. She'll find a way to ruin every special occasion and manipulate you.