By FrOsTy25 - 13/04/2011 22:57

Today, I ran a red light in front of a cop and got pulled over. My friend thought it would be funny to throw a knife in my lap and scream "Help me officer, he has a knife!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 770
You deserved it 7 646

Same thing different taste


enonymous 8

Mr 43, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

MrGold 0

48, is a winner I LOL'd at him too.

DeadxManxWalking 27

what an immature bitch. I hate people who act like that, find new friends.

gutzz 0

48- Thank you for that amazing comment, it made my day. I propose that we cut off commenting on this FML. Let's face it, nothing will be able to even compare to the greatness of that comment, the game is over on this one. Move along trolls, idiots and assholes, there's nothing but a swift kick in the ass awaiting you on this thread. I applaud you sir. :)

edteach 0

lol... but no seriously I would have beat his ass for that... a couple times... the kinda ass whoopin like he owed me money


ydi. driving around with a knife? what are u a serial rapist or something?

cody8808 0

I carry a knife on me all the time except when I'm at scool

Well u shouldn't cuz police are checking teens for that stuff actually they even check adults for that stuff. Just a warning.

can you not read. op said his FRIEND had the knife. OP didn't even know about it

A knife is just a tool until you use it as a weapon. There is nothing wrong with having it with you to use as a tool or even self defense. However, his friend clearly doesn't deserve to have it.

it's something called a "pocketknife", they're knives that are intended to go in your pocket.

That is gold your friend is a legend PMSL..