By PookaKay02 - 20/09/2011 04:26 - United States

Today, I realize that my boyfriend's breath quite literally smells like a sewer. It wouldn't be so bad, except that he tries to kiss me about every ten minutes, and I have to hold my breath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 032
You deserved it 8 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Just before he tries to get smoochy, pop 10 mints in your mouth. Then as you engage contact spit them all in his mouth.

perdix 29

Get a job at the local wastewater treatment plant so you can be around the smell of raw sewage all day. You'll get accustomed to it and your boyfriend's mouth will just taste like work. Or get a new boyfriend.


babycakess10 0

shove a piece if gum or two into his mouth every so often lmao but yea idk how you can kiss something that smells like that you should probably advise him about it.

Ohhh been there! Just tell him that his breath isn't as fresh as it could be most of the time. Nobody likes having bad breath so he'll probably thank you later on.

20, in that case, wouldn't a doctor be better to see? I don't think a dentist is going to kill a disease you have... But OP, speak up. Let him know that his efforts to try and get you used to what the bathroom will smell like once he's finished with it is just disgusting you.

K1LL 0

Put listerine In you mouth and than spit it in his's like a orthodontic snowball....

diidiimi 10

True, it could be a much deeper issue... Definitely tell him, and then if flossing, brushing and mouthwash don't help a trip to the dentist and/or doctor is probably in order. But certainly get him to floss regularly - meat and other gross stuff can get stuck between teeth and literally rot, which does indeed smell like swerage.

dcg1375 7

It could be halitosis or rotting teeth. You should nicely suggest he see a doctor or dentist. you would be doing him a huge justice. Chances are, you are not the only person that notices this.

Devoo 7

Remember that Spongebob episode when he thought he was ugly, but his breath just stinks?

perdix 29

Tell him if he's into kissing so much, he needs to go to your other lips. Odds are the smell down there is on par with his mouth.

If his breath "literally" smells like a sewer, it certainly will do by the time he's done...