By PookaKay02 - 20/09/2011 04:26 - United States

Today, I realize that my boyfriend's breath quite literally smells like a sewer. It wouldn't be so bad, except that he tries to kiss me about every ten minutes, and I have to hold my breath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 032
You deserved it 8 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Just before he tries to get smoochy, pop 10 mints in your mouth. Then as you engage contact spit them all in his mouth.

perdix 29

Get a job at the local wastewater treatment plant so you can be around the smell of raw sewage all day. You'll get accustomed to it and your boyfriend's mouth will just taste like work. Or get a new boyfriend.


gatorkiss 0

Buy Mr. Halitosis some breath mints. He will get the hint . If nothing changes then enforce the three foot rule.

I would tell him to see a doctor many medical problems cause bad breath and are easy to fix. If you care about him. Help him.

miZscrZee 0

Throw a BREATH MINT in there every 5 minutes. LOL. (:

This is where communication comes in handy. Be honest with him, but not mean. If he gets upset over something like this then, he won't handle bigger more serious issues well either. Then it's time to rethink whether or not this relationship is right for you.

OKay, everyone is missing something here. Does he go down on you on a regular basis? Maybe you need to douche a little more often? Just spitballing......

Dag, I know that having a dude with super chronic motherfucking halitosis sucks serious dick, but you're forgetting the most important element: telling him exactly that. If he already knows and is not doing anything about it, then he's just a big penis. |the kid|

YDI for not just telling him he has bad breath. He's your honest with him.

You could always have a mint and then offer him one, but if that doesn't work, man up and talk to him about it nicely. Ask him if he's feeling well, because his breath is a little off.

cdatribe23 0

Buy him some floss and mouthwash lol