By mad dude - 12/01/2011 07:46

Today, I realized I'm pussy whipped by a chick I'm not even dating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 859
You deserved it 41 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You understand that you have to actually be getting it before you can be whipped by it, right?

Just learn that the word 'no' exists, because sometimes, it just needs to be used.


notalwaysbesta 14

I have a guy like that. Only he just doesn't like "dating" and I'm a genius.

sithspaz 9

Been there dude. I feel for you. It sucks when you figure it out. My advice is just get the hell away from her.

megamandude455 10

what the hell does that even mean!?

well its time to put away the hair conditioner, tighten your thong and quit being such a PANZI! :D

EarAcheMyEYE10 2