By mad dude - 12/01/2011 07:46

Today, I realized I'm pussy whipped by a chick I'm not even dating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 859
You deserved it 41 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You understand that you have to actually be getting it before you can be whipped by it, right?

Just learn that the word 'no' exists, because sometimes, it just needs to be used.


therealsuperman 0

The problem isn't that you aren't dating her, you just aren't getting any. There is a difference

amsftw 0

haaaaa sucks for you. stand up for yourself cause if you don't then ydi.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha that sucks dude...........But I found it funny shit anyway ha

Rand_fml 0

I have to wonder how many of the other posters have been guilty of the same thing?? (Most likely everyone...)

Rei_Ayanami 18

Maybe some of the guys, possibly a few girls, it's all about how desperate you are for sex.

Cinn, that had to be your best comment EVER.

No! That is enough out of you. You approach every FML from a serious point of view. it's a humorous website, have a f*cking sense of humor....

perdix 29

I doubt he'd be complaining if he were ******* her without "officially" dating her. So, it's not pussy-whipped if you aren't getting the pussy, it's called being a sad desperate loser. To paraphrase Hannah Montana, "You've got the worst of both world" -- you are having to be ordered around like a slave, but without the occasional reward of some warm apple pie. You need to grow a spine and be kicked in your tiñy blue testicles!

Perdix, I mean this with all due deference, but you deserve to be kicked in the balls and then tarred and feathered for paraphrasing Hannah Montana. Shame on you, sir.

To be honest, it completely invalidates the comment.

perdix 29

Doc, being kicked in the balls and tarred and feathered would be like a pleasure cruise compared to all the Hannah Montana and Suite Life I am subjected to!!!

Or OP is such a loser that he would listen to and honor the words of Hannah Montana. Perdix utilized this strategy in order to get down to OP's level of comprehension.

RedPillSucks 31

Perdix, admit it. You can't tear yourself away from the TV when your "kids" are watching Hannah Montana, or Suit life....

perdix 29

Damn it, RPS! When I confided in you about my Ashley Tisdale obsession, you weren't supposed to blab it! If you've ever seen her on the "Disney At Night" channel, you'd see that she's as freaky as I fantasized she'd be. I'm Maddie about her

I'm sorry, OP but you deserve it. There is a two letter word starting with 'n' and ending in 'o'. Use it!

So your not gonna tell us what the word is? Allllrrriigght challenge accepted

djmigues 7

Yeah! What is this word you speak of?!